When a timber fence becomes unstable , it is usually the timber posts that have rotted out at ground level . The main cause of the deterioration is from the ground being built up around the base of the post above the concrete . This results in the post staying wet or moist for long periods with water pooling and eventually the timber will begin to rot , even though the timber may be treated .
Quite often the rails and palings are in good condition and the remedy to stabilise the fence economically ,is to install new posts next to the unstable posts and then bolt them together , making sure the concrete around the new post is above ground level to prevent the same thing happening . This can then extend the life of the fence by a number of years and save costly replacement .
The ground build up, generally due to landscaping can also cause rot to the bottom of the timber paling , These should be trimmed off just above ground level to prevent further deterioration and extend the life of the palings . If debri and organic matter has built up along the length of the fence , then this should be cleared away to allow the bottom of the palings to dry after rain . Creating a sloping surface away from the bottom of the fence will also help for water to drain away and keep the bottom section of fence dry .This method of post replacement , leaving the original posts in place , eliminates the need to remove palings and rails to get to the fixing on the post , which can be time consuming and thereby results in extra expense . Regular inspections should be carried out to keep the bottom of the fence clear of any build up of debri , and this will extend the life of the fence .
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