We are often asked to repair or replace outdoor timber structures , pergolas , posts , decks , stairs and many more types of structures that are subject to the harsh weather conditions of South East Queensland .In some cases the timber used is not suitable for use outdoors , in other circumstances regular maintenance such as painting has not been done , allowing moisture to penetrate the timber the timber and thus starting the process of decomposition .The use of shade cloth over timber structures , although providing shade underneath , tends to hold moisture and worsen the deterioration of the timber . It is also unlikely that the shade cloth would be removed to allow for regular maintenance painting , which is essential for the longevity of the timber .Only H3 rated timber should be used for outdoor purposes and then it must be coated with a minimum 2 coats of good quality exterior paint , ensuring that all ends and cuts are painted before the structure is assembled . Any holes or timber cracks should be filled and painted .Regular inspections of the structure should be carried out to identify any movement or cracks in the timber , and remedial works carried out as required .Remove any vegetation that is touching or overhanging the structure as this will prevent moisture build up and potential breakdown of the paint coating the timber .
The ideal way to protect the timber structure is to install sheet roofing , whether metal or polycarbonate , with sufficient overhang to protect the outside beams .Under the Building Code of Australia , structures that are under 10M2 in area are not assessable and can therefore be built without permissions or permits . Structures over 10M2 will need to be approved by the local authorities to enure compliance with local planning, stormwater run off and fire safety , also proximity to neighbouring properties and boundaries .
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